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Meet Your Advisors

Beata and vit standing on the campus with fall trees in the background

Our Admissions Team members (also known as our A-Team) are Beata Keller and Vit Vanicek

They are smart, hard-working, funny and kind. They are here to help students from the time they start their application to the moment they receive the Tutorium certificate of completion.

Let's learn more about who they are...

Beata Keller Heading link

Beata sitting in front of a cactus

Where is home for you? — Crystal Lake, Illinois, a suburb about 50 miles from Chicago.

Do you have any nicknames? — Some of my friends (or people who can’t pronounce or remember my name!) call me Bea or just “B.”

What’s your favorite movie? — Sorry, you can’t ask me to choose just one 😉

Who is your most listened-to musical artist? — I listen to a number of modern Christian artists.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? — The power to heal. I would love to see a world with no illness, pain, or suffering.

Do you have any pets? Children? — No pets, but I do have two young boys.

What’s one of your favorite words in English? — Rugrats, which is what you can call little kids. My husband used to call our sons his “Little Rugrats,” and I thought that was the sweetest thing!

Do you have a favorite word in another language? — I think a lot of German words are funny (and long!), but if I had to pick one foreign word, it would be Xièxiè, which is “thank you” in Chinese.

Vit Vanicek Heading link

vit holding a book titled requiem moon

Where is home for you? — Oak Park, Illinois (or Prague, Czech Republic)

What’s a movie you like a lot? — Lord of the Rings

Who is your most listened-to musical artist? — Pink Floyd

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? — Stretch time for myself

Do you have any pets? Children? — No, and yes.

What’s one of your favorite words in English? — Wonder – to me it embodies two meanings “I don’t know yet” and “When I find out, I’ll be surprised and excited.”

Do you have a favorite word in another language? — Spannungsbogen – roughly “suspense”, but it’s the excitement derived from the delay between a wish and its fulfillment.

Send your questions to Tutorium Admissions Team