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Tips for Success: How not to Plagiarize

two students studying

When you don’t understand your assignment, don’t feel confident about your writing, or wait to late to start an assignment, you might be temped to plagiarize. But don’t do it! We’re here to help you avoid plagiarism. The first step is to understand what it is.

What is plagiarism?

Here are some examples of plagiarism:

  • Copying from a book or an online text.
  • Having your friend write your essay for you.
  • Turning in someone else’s essay from last semester.

Why shouldn’t I plagiarize?

  • You don’t learn anything when you copy from others.
  • Your teacher can’t correct your mistakes.
  • You aren’t creating anything new. You have good ideas, so use them!

What will happen if I plagiarize?

How do I avoid plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, plan ahead so you always have enough time to complete your assignments. Using your own words to complete assignments takes time.

Give yourself extra time to read, learn unfamiliar words, and then read again to make sure you understand the main ideas.

When you read, don’t just underline important sections. If you can, write your thoughts and questions directly in the margins of the reading. This is the first step in explaining a reading in your own words.

Read more on cultural differences about plagiarism