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Preparing for Midterm Conferences

How to make the most out of your midterm conference meeting

Now that the Midterm Exams are over, it is time to look ahead: you still have half a semester!

After your Midterm grades, you may have a conference with your teacher. What does this mean? The conference is a chance for you and your teacher to discuss your English skills and how they have improved in class. During this meeting, you'll sit down with your teacher to discuss what you should do next. The more prepared you are, the more chances you have of reaching your goals and improving your English skills.

Before the conference, your teacher will ask you to write a Midterm Action Plan. One part of the action plan allows you to reflect on the semester so far—what was good? What was easy? What activity or homework was helpful? What problems did you have? The other part looks toward the future—what can you do to succeed in the course? What help do you need? Reflecting on these things is so important. In addition, if you have detailed ideas and questions prepared before the meeting, your teacher can help you better.

Here are some tips on what to ask your teacher during your meeting:
1) Look at your test scores: how can you better practice for listening and reading exams?
2) Think of your work in class: do you participate? Do you always know what is going on? If not, why? What do you need to have a better time in class?
3) Look at your homework so far: have you done all your assignments? If not, why? What can help you to remember and do them well?
4) Ask about your weaknesses: Grammar? Vocabulary? Pronunciation? Where can you find materials to work with?
5) Think of your goals: what can you accomplish in these coming weeks? How can you change your study or practice to make sure you pass the class?

Whatever your questions and planned steps, remember that the more specific they are, the better. Your teacher can't help if you ask, "How can I improve my English?" There are too many things you could do! Instead, ask how to practice or where to find materials.

In conclusion, to make your Midterm conferences useful, reflect on your progress and come prepared with detailed questions and ideas on overcoming your language hurdles and continuing moving forward. Ultimately, you control your destiny, but you can always count on your teacher to guide you.