Tutorium Instructors Invited to Present at Conventions

Tutorium instructors invited to present at conferences Heading link
The Tutorium instructors are a hardworking group! In addition to successfully transitioning our program to remote learning, six of our instructors will also be presenting on their experience at teachers’ conventions this spring.
March 24 – 27, Becky Bonarek, Trischa Duke, Beata Keller, Steph Mielcarek, and Nora Tatina will be presenting at the 2021 TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages) international convention (held virtually this year).
Their TESOL presentation topics include the TOEFL/IELTS tests, scaffolding peer review skills with Google Docs, and addressing the needs of university pathway students.
On February 26, Katie Sauers will represent the Tutorium at the ITBE (Illinois Teachers of English to speakers of other languages) annual convention: “Re-envisioning Multilingual Education: Transforming the Future.” She will share her experiences in a virtual panel discussion on the topic: “Was Remote Learning So Bad? Lessons Learned.”