Managing your Homework Time

homework, time management, student

Tips and Tricks to Help You Get Your Homework Done on Time

As the first weeks go by, your teacher gives you homework. And more homework. In short, there is a lot of homework. Some of it is for the next day, and some for the next week. Or you sign up for an activity that you do in class three weeks from today. Some homework has three or more steps. How can you remember it all? When can you even do it? Once again, the key is organization. Here are some tips to help you stay organized and complete your homework.

  1. Go to the calendar on your phone and put an event for the day when the HW is due.
  2. Add a reminder before the due date (a day before or even more if the HW is long). Every day, you need to know what happens the next day, this Thursday, or the following week.
  3. If you miss a class, check the class Blackboard site. You will find all the information you need to complete your homework assignment there.

That's helpful, but how can you do all the homework? Do you need to sit at a desk for hours every day? Maybe not! Here's what you should keep in mind.

  1. After the first homework assignment, you will find out how long some things take: 30 minutes? More? Less?
  2. Set a time each day when you do HW.
  3. Don't leave all homework for the weekend or the day before the assignment is due. It will be too much. Do a little every day.
  4. Save your work on your computer or your Google Drive.
  5. Make sure your assignment is 100% complete before you submit it.